My Dad in words

Created by andywright1960 12 years ago
A picture of my Dad from Words. I met you way back in the beginning some 19 years now, I remember it like it was yesterday. You came out to the door waving your arms and telling me to go. I was no good for your daughter. It stuck with me forever. A brave man someone who spoke his mind most of the time. This was just after you’re your heart surgery if I am to remember correctly. Through time I got to know you as my Dad but not with out tribulation or bad things on my part. When I got your Daughter back to the truth within the year I came to the meetings myself to support. There I meet a man, you dad, who was so welcomed and loved in Northampton meeting. People would say what a marvel you where back then, something I didn’t understand. It took a few years to get it in all truth. Upon the birth of my first daughter we went to the Isle of Wight for what was my first holiday and a bible campaign. We pushed you to the beach drove you mad with me up at 6 am ready to see the world. You introduced me to the Brothers & Sisters there. I heard the entire story’s of the sign you made for the meeting. All the people saying how your faith was strong. I would watch you talk to all and them saying how nice it was to see you once again. It made me happy to see that but didn’t understand why, at the time. We traveled many places in the early days of my path to becoming a brother. Some places with Carl at Brighton that I also loved. They would also say how marvelous you where. I have been to some amazing places with you Dad some great memories that you have given me over the years. I had some sad times and some angry times for which I was always sorry for a scared man was I a frightened and lost man who didn’t no any better. I was always scared of the love from others I just didn’t get it. But that said if I look back you where the Dad who loved me and had faith in me becoming something different. Through all the things that you were faced with you never lost your smile or your faith in what you believed in. He stood a great man who tackled all that life gave him head on. Never once did you stop believing or questioning why God allowed so much suffering in your life. You where here for one reason Dad and that was to give strength to others through all there adversary and to bring others to the truth. I have seen it in you so many times and through so many eyes and now Dad I do get what everyone has said about you. The brave man the faithful man, and a man who could tackle the world. You gave me something and that is my belief in Christ and taught me no matter what happens believe in him and it his will not ours. So Dad I thank you for all that you have given me in my life because there is no other like you and never will be. So praise be to God and I will see you on the Day of Judgment on the Mount of Zion. Isaiah 35: 10 And the ransomed of Yahweh shall return, and come to Zion with song and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away